Yeow Siew Eng
Independent Non-Executive Director
Ms Yeo Siew Eng was a partner of Deloitte & Touche LLP until her retirement in 2018 and headed its Real Estate practice. As Partner-in-charge of external audit services for publicly listed groups, private enterprises, regional headquarters and multinational corporations, her experience over the years included manufacturing, infrastructure contract work, real estate development and investment, hospitality, marine sector, financial sector, oil and derivative trading. Her audit experience in manufacturing includes the electronic sector, OEM, contract manufacturing, design services and associated logistics.
She had been the General Manager – Finance and Corporate Services of a listed group responsible for treasury operations, financial reporting, regulatory compliance and investor relations.
Ms Yeo is currently an Independent Non-Executive Director of Transit Link Pte Ltd and Keppel DC REIT Management Pte Ltd, the corporate manager of Keppel DC REIT, and a Board member of Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. She was previously an Independent Non-Executive Director of Nam Lee Pressed Metal Industries Limited.
Ms Yeo graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor of Accountancy degree. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants and a member of Singapore Institute of Directors.